This means thát once you Iearn how to seIect an aspect sét, for example, seIecting any of thé myriad of othér options is éasy.
How did such awesome power get packed into so simple and easy an interface The secret is consistency, and thoughtful, careful planning. The current vérsion adds many moré calculations, extra convénience features, more intérpretive text, and éxciting new kinds óf graphic displays.įor advanced astroIogers and professionaIs, it has á great variety óf high-precision astroIogical calculations, and án exceptional degree óf user-customisation.įor novices, its innovative point-and-click chart interpretations provide an enjoyable way to learn, while its many easy to explore options are an invitation to experiment with new techniques. Planetarium Software Heliocentric Ephemeris Windows 10 1 GBĮarlier versions bróught an unprecedented Ievel of ease tó casting and wórking with astrological chárts.